Light-Seq: light-directed in situ barcoding of biomolecules in fixed cells and tissues for spatially indexed sequencing. (2022)
Kishi et al., Yin Lab, Harvard Medical School, USA
Kishi et al., Yin Lab, Harvard Medical School, USA
Gao et al., Chubykin Lab, Purdue University, USA
Chen et al., Heinemann Lab, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Dema et al., Wittmann Lab, UCSF, USA
Liu et al., Oakey Lab, University of Wyoming, USA
Teplenin et al., Pijnappels Lab, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Liu et al., Lin Lab, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Sengupta et al., Bagnall Lab, WUSTL, USA
Kuzmiak-Glancy et al., Kay Lab, George Washington University, USA
Conte et al., Santos Lab, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina