PolyEcho Intelligent Control Module
PolyEcho Intelligent Control Module


In multi-threaded, event-driven experiments including in freely-behaving neuroscience animal research, there is a need for the data-acquisition system to react to different triggering events with different user-defined responses, in which cameras, light sources, or other devices are activated in a pre-programmed fashion. In such experiments, triggering events usually do not occur in a predefined sequence but rather in a largely random manner. Multiple hardware- or software-trigger signals, each corresponding to a specific event, are fed to the system and all devices must be properly coordinated and synchronized, not only to generate & send optical and/or electrical signals/stimulations to the specimen, but also to collect data from the specimen. There is also a need to accurately record the timing (“time-stamping”) of those events and actions, in order to ensure reliable post-acquisition data processing and analysis. Mightex PolyEcho intelligent control module is designed to enable such event-driven experiments. The goal is not only to reliably record the timing of all events using timestamps generated by the same clock inside the PolyEcho device, but also to coordinate different devices in order to properly synchronize signal/ stimulation generation and data collection.

  PolyEcho Intelligent Control Module

  • 12 TTL inputs, 12 TTL outputs and 8 analog outputs
  • Each TTL input can be programmed to control any combination of TTL & analog outputs
  • Unified time-stamping for all input and output ports
  • Port configuration software programmable by user
  • Control parameters uploadable from PC to PolyEcho for real-time operation
  • Trigger delay <20μs
  • Support both hardware/TTL and software triggers

(Model# PEC-CM12-U)


This schematic illustrates a typical data acquisition system which may include a wide range of equipment. The system may receive multiple hardware/TTL and software triggers, in response to which, it will activate data acquisition as per the triggerspecific workflow defined by the researcher through Mightex’s PolyScan software. At the heart of the system is the PolyEcho Multi-Channel Intelligent Control Module, which is capable of not only handling up to 12 hardware/TTL and up to 32 software triggers, but also synchronizing and controlling all hardware devices in the system. In addition, PolyEcho is also able to send out additional TTL and analog signals to control other equipment outside the Data Acquisition System. Last but not least, all incoming trigger events and all control signals sent to the devices are logged with precise and unified timestamps.


Performance Specifications

Current Accuracy (mA)+/-3%
Number of Channels12x Digital Inputs
12x Digital Outputs
8x Analog Outputs
Power Supply Input Voltage (Vdc) (V)24
Channel Connector TypeBNC
Analog Channel Voltage Resolution (%)0.1
Analog Channel Output Voltage Range0-5V or 0-10V*
Analog Channel Output Voltage Accuracy (V)+/-0.5% (or +/-3mV)**
Digital and Analog Channel Output Time Resolution (µs)20
Input Trigger Current Requirement (mA)2 - 20
Dimensions (mm)485(L) x 220(W) x 89(H)

 * When forward voltage of LED load is greater than 8V, a 24Vdc input might be used.
** External analog voltage source should have >8mA of current driving capability. The input current should be greater than the combined output current of the two channels.

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