Software for Scientific Experiments
Free download for academic researchers

PolyScan4 provides a turn-key solution for hardware control and system integration for scientific research. PolyScan4 paves the way for the future of scientific data collection, providing an easily navigable and flexible toolkit for efficient and reliable experimental control and data collection and review.

Key Features

Intuitive User Interface

A turnkey solution enabling scientists to develop flexible and readily interchangeable experimental configurations.

Experiment Work Flow Design

Comprehensive design tools for direct programmable control of experimental settings, stimulation parameters, experimental triggers, and more.

Mightex and 3rd-Party Hardware Supported

PolyScan4 is designed to support all Mightex and select third-party hardware devices, providing a unifying platform for easy integration of experimental control.

Hierarchical Data Storage Tools

Versatile data storage allowing users to access and store data independently or in multi-user folders for collaborative research projects.

Resource Sharing Capabilities

Share experimental templates including hardware configurations and experimental settings with other scientists.

Data Review & Analysis

Gain higher-level scientific insights with built-in preprocessing, data review, and analysis tools for imaging experiments.

What's New with PolyScan4?

• Intelligent “Software Triggering” by interfacing with external user code for closed-loop experiments.
• ROI-centric Pattern Design for Polygon patterned illumination.
• Upgraded grid-scanning feature for Polygon patterned illumination.
• Grayscale patterning for Polygon patterned illumination.
• Upgraded scan-along-a-line (Path-Stamping) tool in Polygon patterned illumination.
• Expanded support for more 3rd-party camera models including PCO, Photometrics and Hamamatsu.
• New Data Review features including session data snippet tool and dF/F plotting tool.
• New custom experimental template management feature.
• Improved Polygon calibration with 3rd-party camera software.
• Camera Image Transfer to external user code (e.g. Python etc) or 3rd-party software (e.g. MATLAB etc) over TCP/IP
• PC Resource Monitoring to monitor for low PC resources during data acquisition session.
• Custom Experimental Template management

PolyScan Tiers
PolyScan4 is used to control all Mightex hardware and is included with the purchase of any of our equipment. PolyScan4 can also be used to control 3rd party hardware either in combination with Mightex hardware or independently. For this reason, PolyScan4 includes two tiers of subscription.


FeaturesBasic Pro
Maximum # of User AccountsUp to 5 (including Guest Account)Unlimited
Supports Guest Account
Supported Mightex DevicesPolygon Patterned Illuminators
PolyEcho Intelligent I/O Module
Mightex CCD Cameras (6 models)
Mightex USB3.1 CMOS Cameras (8 models)
Mightex USB2.0 Buffered CMOS Cameras (24 models)
LED Controllers (9 models)
BLS-IO04-US BioLED Module
LED Light Sources (350+ models)
Supported 3rd-Party DevicesNonepco cameras (pco.panda, pco.edge, pco.edge 4.2 bi)
Photometrics cameras (PRIME 95B, PRIME BSI, PRIME BSI Express, Kinetix, Kinetix22)
Hamamatsu cameras (Orca Flash, Orca Fusion, Orca Spark)
Data Review with Session Timing Diagram
Image ExportRaw Images onlyExport Images with Image Processing such as:
Fiber depixelation
Box filtering
Background subtraction
Contrast adjustment
Polygon TCP/IP Mode
Custom Experimental Templates
Supports shared research facility with users from multiple institutions
Camera image transfer over TCP/IP
Intelligent soft triggering over TCP/IP


Upcoming PolyScan PRO Features 

  • Advanced Data Analysis & Presentation
  • Advanced Pulse Train Generation (with Randomized Variable Pulse Width and Interval)
  • Computed Pattern Generation for Polygon
  • Advanced Software Triggering and Embedded Python Coding
  • Supports Custom Addition of Passive Devices (e.g. 3rd-Party LED light sources, etc.)
  • Advanced Polygon UHC Control
  • Supports Image Overlay for Sample Alignment

PolyScan4 Basic 

This version of PolyScan4 includes up to 5 users and data review capabilities and can be used to control all Mightex hardware.

PolyScan4 Pro 

This version of PolyScan4 includes all of the capabilities of PolyScan4 Basic as well as unlimited number of users, supported 3rd party hardware (see “Currently Support Hardware” tab for list of supported hardware), and advanced features which will be added in future updates.

Currently Supported Hardware
Device TypeManufacturerDevice Model#Description / Notes
MicroscopesMightexMES-000-0, MES-000-1OASIS Implant OASIS Implant systems
MightexMES-000-ROASIS Implant with Rotation Adaptive Mechanism
Pattern IlluminatorsMightexDSI-K2-XXX, DSI-K3-XXX, DSI-K2-XXX-2X, DSI-K2-XXX-2XPolygon1000 pattern illuminator
MightexDSI-K3-UHC-000Polygon UHC pattern illuminator
MightexDSI-G-XXX, DSI-D-XXX, DSI-EPolygon400 pattern illuminator
CamerasMightexCXE-B013-U, CXE-C013-U, CCE-B013-U, CCE-C013-U, CGE-B013-U, CGE-C013-UMightex CCD Cameras
MightexSBE-/SBN-B015-U, SBE/SBN-C015-UMightex Buffered USB3.1 CMOS Cameras
MightexSME-/SMN-B012-U, SME/SMN-C012-U, SME-/SMN-C050-U, SME-/SMN-B050-UMightex USB3.1 CMOS Cameras
MightexBCE/BCN-BG04-U, BCE/BCN-BG04-US, BCE/BCN-CG04-U, BCE/BCN-CG04-US, BCE/BCN-B013-U, BCE/BCN-B013-US, BCE/BCN-C030-U, BCE/BCN-C030-US, BCE/BCN-B050-U, BCE/BCN-B050-US, BCE/BCN-C050-U, BCE/BCN-C050-USMightex USB2 Buffered CMOS Cameras
PCOpco.panda, pco.edge, pco.edge 4.2 biPro license required2
PhotometricsPRIME 95B, PRIME BSI, PRIME BSI Express, Kinetix, Kinetix22Pro license required2
HamamatsuOrca Flash, Orca Fusion, Orca SparkPro license required2
I/O Control ModulesMightexPEC-CM12-UPolyEcho Intelligent Control Module, 12 TTL inputs, 12 TTL outputs, and 8 analog outputs
Light Source DriversMightexBLS-SA02-US, BLS-SA04-US, BLS-PL02-US, BLS-PL04-US, BLS-1000-2*, BLS-3000-2*, BLS-13000-1*, BLS-13000-1E*, BLS-18000-1**Use with a PolyEcho (PEC-CM12-U)
Light SourcesMightexBLS-LCS light sources (235-940nm), 80+ modelsCollimator LEDs
MightexBLS-FCS light sources (265-940nm), 80+ modelsFiber-Coupled LEDs
MightexBLS-PLS light sources (340-940nm), 130+ modelsPrecision Spotlights
MightexBLS-GCS light sources (340-940nm), 55+ modelsLightguide-Coupled LEDs

Please Note 1: PolyScan4 is only available for accredited research organizations.

Please Note 2: Native support of 3rd party hardware within PolyScan4 is only available with a Pro license. Please contact Mightex by submitting an inquiry form below for details.

For all other hardware support-related questions, please complete the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

Mightex will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you have requested. We value your privacy.
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1. Download the package below to begin installing PolyScan4.

Download Here

2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) should be installed if you are operating Mightex Polygon1000, which may be downloaded here from Microsoft’s website.

Please Note 1: PolyScan4 is only available for accredited research organizations.

Please Note 2: Check “Currently Support Hardware” tab for list of supported hardware.

Please Note 3: A PolyScan software license is non-transferable, and is limited to one (1) PC designated by the customer. A fee will be charged to transfer a license from one PC to another.

For all other PolyScan4-related questions, please complete the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

Mightex will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you have requested. We value your privacy.
How did you find out about us?
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PC Requirements

Minimum PC specifications for PolyScan4 and supported Mightex hardware:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later, 64-bit OS is required
  • Processor: 2.5GHz+, 4 Core or more recommended
  • RAM: 16GB+ or more recommended
  • USB Interface: USB3.1 Gen 1, Intel-based preferred
  • Disk space required depends on how many images are stored and what other software the customer needs to install. PolyScan4 software itself takes ~300MB currently. Solid State Drive (SSD) may be required for imaging saving at higher frame-rate
  • A PC monitor with 1080p or higher resolution is recommended

PC requirements may be revised as new software or hardware updates continue to be added. Other PC requirements may need to be met if the user are also using other 3rd party devices. Please check and confirm with the hardware suppliers. Some example additional PC requirements include but not limited to: spare PCI-E slot(s) of appropriate type(s), dedicated graphics card(s), or other requirements. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) should be installed if you are operating Mightex Polygon1000, which may be downloaded here from Microsoft’s website.